How To Know That You Are Doing The Right Thing Or Not?

Life is full of choices; Every moment, life puts us in a situation where we have to choose one thing over the others and be willing to bear the consequences that it brings.

We all know that when life throws a curveball, We become confused, feel fear, stress, uncertainty, and doubt about what to choose? Which one will work? What will happen? And all. 

“Life will always throw you curveballs; it’s your job to swing the bet.”

Sharon Purtill 

Remember, No matter how hard the situation is, there is always a way to get yourself out of it by making the right choices. 

How To Know That You Are Doing The Right Thing? 

In general, When you do something with faith that matches your morals, creates the welfare of others, and gives you contentment, peace, and (positive) self-pride, it means you are doing the right thing. 

Although, this definition may alter from situation to situation because life is uncertain, mysterious, and can’t be defined in some lines.

One of the best scale to measure your deed is to ask yourself and examine your emotional state. If you get positive vibes and don’t resonate with evil feelings such as hatred, jealousy, and anger, it means you are not doing anything wrong. 

“In the conflict between the heart and brain, follow your heart.”

Swami Vivekananda

Always try to listen to your intuition (gut feeling) and then think about others by asking that what you will do is fair to others?. If the answer is “Yes,” it means you are doing it right. 

For example, while dealing with people, if you have a positive gut feeling that I am doing right and through my decision, someone gets benefited, suggesting you are on the right path and doing the right thing. 

The gut feeling comes from the heart, and it works as an internal compass. If you know how to decode it and rely on it, you will probably never get lost. 

“Follow your instinct, that’s where true wisdom manifests itself.”


7 Ways To Do Right Things In Life

#1 Define Your Moral

Education without morals is like a ship without a compass, merely wandering nowhere.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Having principles and work ethics is an excellent way to regulate your life. It may give you mental clarity whenever you are confused or bewildered. 

Go back in time; The history is full of people who had convictions, who had morals and had followed them till their last breath. 

A person who has no morals, no goal, no rules, no principles in life may not reach anywhere, because he himself doesn’t even know where to go and what he should suppose to do in life. 

Here are some examples of morals:                                 

  • Devoted to passion 
  • Not hurting others by purpose 
  • Follow the truth
  • Respect others
  • Responsible for own life 

If you don’t have morals, define them today and try to follow them when you are in a dilemma. This way, you will be able to make better choices and do the right things in life. 

#2 Respect Others

We must understand that what we give to the world, the same will return to us. That’s the eternal law of nature. 

However, We all want respect from others, but few of us are willing to respect others. Isn’t it?

So, In order to live fulfilled life and move on the right track, we should respect others and cultivate an inclusive attitude towards others. 

The greatness of your work comes from your positive attitude, not from the tit for tat. 

However, If you disagree or have concerns with someone, then simply avoid (ignore) them without creating conflict. 

Have you ever noticed that after making a conflict or fighting with someone, you felt regret or the feel of doing something wrong? 

If so, then make a resolution that you will avoid conflict and give respect to others from today. 

#3 Listen to Your Inner Voice 

As we have discussed, listen to your inner voice and follow your gut feelings before making hard decisions. 

“Trust your gut. Your gut feelings are usually accurate and correct, If you feel there is something, chances are there is.”


Remember, fears and doubts are not your inner voice, it’s offspring of your mind that you have to face before doing the uncertain thing. 

For many of us, it is difficult to identify our intuitions, but that is normal. Don’t lose faith, and keep trying.  

The more you use the intuitive faculty, the more it gets strengthened. 

#4 Practice Mindfulness 

It may look strange to you, but do you know, the daily practice of mindfulness can improve social interaction, well-being, and self-awareness. 

These benefits of mindfulness provide mental clarity, better decision-making power, and social skill that leads you to do things right. 

Also, mindfulness connects you with your inner self so that you will get hutches of what you should do. 

#5 Do Introspection 

You may know about the Lie Detector Machine. Basically, it detects lies from one’s blood pressure, respiration, pulse, and skin conductivity. 

Here, my point is to know you that what we do affects our body, mind, and emotion. 

The good deed brings pleasurable changes in our system, while the wrongdoing brings adverse changes. 

So, if you can introspect your body, mind, and emotion, you will know that what you are doing is right or wrong. 

For example, imagine a moment where you are driving a car, and by mistake, you have hit another vehicle and trying to run away to conceal yourself. At that time, your heartbeat and breathing will become faster that indicates that you are doing wrong. 

However, while in fear, these same sensations happen, but don’t consider that case here and don’t limit yourself under the fear of uncertainty. Instead, follow your gut feeling and do what it says. 

#6 Cultivate Faith

In India, people are theists, and they are firmly devoted to their deities. So, whenever any difficulties came to them, they pray and ask for help. This way, they instantly settle in a positive vibration and get themselves out from suffering, which suggests the power of faith. 

Faith is a potent stimulus. It can encounter any fear, uncertainty, and douts and connect you directly with your inner core.

So, if you are in a dilemma, but holding faith in yourself will instantly calm you down and may provide the right direction at that moment. 

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.

To develop faith, you can practice meditation and mindfulness or daily spend time with yourself. This way, slowly, by practice and patience, you will be able to cultivate faith. 

#7 Be Responsible 

In order to steer your life on the right track, you have to take responsibility for your life. You have to become the owner and creator of your life. 

When you are truly responsible for something, then and then you can put your best for possible results. 

Here, being responsible means not blaming someone or something for your situation. Instead, forget everything that hurts you or disturbs you, rather hustles for your needs. 

So, being responsible for our present will develop your character and provide mental clarity to distinguish things that are truly necessary for you. 

These were the 7 techniques that I personally use to discover my inner voice and develop mental clarity and social skills so that I could make the right choices every time in my life. 

How Do We Feel When We Do Not Do The Right Thing?

When we are not doing the right, we usually feel shame, guilt, or despair and get the voice of solid disapproval from within. And If we have done anything wrong, then we may realize mentally disturbed and suffer from anger, dismay, or grief.

But, as said earlier, your intuition or inner voice is the best way to know whether your actions are right or wrong.

Our inner voice always warns us when we are not doing the right things; some can listen to it clearly while others can’t; that depends on how well we are connected to our ourselves. But, there is something within all of us that always knows everything and can navigate us at any moment, so follow it.  

Moreover, If we have done anything wrong with someone, we may get the feeling of guilt, shame, stupidity, sometimes rage, and envy. 

Although keeping negative feelings for others and cursing them is foolish and wrong, it is like you are taking toxins and expecting somebody else to harm. Isn’t it stupid? 

So, don’t ever ruin yourself by keeping the grudge in you for others, and always listen to your inner guidance because it precisely knows what is needed and what should be done.  

Why Should We Do Right Things? 

We should do the right things because it ultimately gives us a feeling of satisfaction, grace, and pride. It instantly put our mind and emotion into a healthy state where we can experience life in its fullest potential. While in contrast, when we go against the right, we fade up by unpleasant feelings and experiences. 

We may have probably experienced that whenever we do wrong physically as well as mentally to someone or something, we end up feeling bad and upset mood that lasts for hours or seldom some days. 

Do you know the law of seed sowing and reaping? Which states that “You have to sow before reap, you will reap what you sow, and you will reap more than you sow.”

That means in order to get good things and experiences from life. You have to do the right things in life. What you give today, that same you will get in a larger amount. 

“What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.”


So, keep spreading love and happiness because it is desperately needed in today’s world. 

I hope you may have found something interesting reading my post. If you have anything to share, feel free to comment below. 

Thank you. 

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